By clicking on several submenus of the COMPUTERS menu, you can get information about selected computers.

Landscape uses alerts to notify administrators of conditions that require attention. The following types of alerts are available:

To configure alerts, click on the Configure alerts link in the dashboard, or click on your account's ALERTS menu item. Tick the check box next to each type of alert you want to subscribe to, or click the All or None buttons at the top of the table, then click on the Subscribe or Unsubscribe button below the table.

The Alerts screen shows the status of each alert. If an alert has not been tripped, the status is OK; if it has, the status is Alerted. The last column notes whether the alert applies to your account (pending computers, for instance, are not yet Landscape clients, but they are part of your account), to all computers, or to a specified set of tagged computers.

If an alert is tripped, chances are an administrator should investigate it. You can see alerts on the account dashboard that displays when you click on your account name on the top menu. The description for each alert is a link; click on it to see a table of alerts. When you click on an alert, the resulting screen shows relevant information about the problem. For instance, if you click on an alert about computers having issues reporting packages, the table shows the computer affected, the error code, and error output text.

On some alert screens you can download the list of affected computers as a CSV file or save the criteria that generated the alert as a saved search by clicking the relevant button at the bottom of the screen.

Landscape lets you run scripts on the computers you manage in your account. The scripts may be in any language, as long as an interpreter for that language is present on the computers on which they are to run. You can maintain a library of scripts for common tasks. You can manage scripts from the STORED SCRIPTS menu under your account, and run them against computers from the SCRIPTS menu under COMPUTERS.

The Stored scripts screen displays a list of existing scripts, along with the access groups each belongs to and its creator.

You can edit a script by clicking on its name. To delete a stored script, tick the check box next to its name, then click Remove. If you have the proper permissions, Landscape erases the script immediately without asking for confirmation.

From the Stored scripts screen you can add a new script by clicking on Add stored script.

On the Create script screen you must enter a title, interpreter, the script code, the time within which the script must complete, and the access group to which the script belongs. You may enter a default user to run the script as; if you don't, you will have to specify the user when you choose to run the script. You may also attach as many as five files with a maximum of 1MB in total size. On each computer on which a script runs, attachments are placed in the directory specified by the environment variable LANDSCAPE_ATTACHMENTS, and are deleted once the script has been run. After specifying all the information for a stored script, click on Save to save it.

To run a stored script, go to the SCRIPTS menu under COMPUTERS. Here you can choose to run a stored script, or run a new script.

When you choose to run an existing script, Landscape displays the script details, which allows you to modify any information. You must specify the user on the target computers to run the script as, and schedule the script to run either as soon as possible, or at a specified time. When you're ready to run the script, click on Run.

To run a new script, you must enter most of the same information you would if you were creating a stored script, with three differences.

On this screen you must specify the user on the target computers to run the script as, and you may optionally tick a check box to store the script in your script library. You must also schedule the script to run either as soon as possible, or at a specified time. When you're ready to run the script, click on Run.

An upgrade profile defines a schedule for the times when upgrades are to be automatically installed on the machines associated with a specific access group. You can associate zero or more computers with each upgrade profile via tags to install packages on those computers. You can also associate an upgrade profile with an access group, which limits its use to only computers within the specified access group. You can manage upgrade profiles from the UPGRADE PROFILES link in the PROFILES choice under your account.

When you do so, Landscape displays a list of the names and descriptions of existing upgrade profiles.

To see the details of an existing profile, click on its name to display a screen that shows the name, schedule, and tags of computers associated with the upgrade profile. If you want to change the upgrade profile's name or schedule, click on the Edit upgrade profile link. If you want to change the computers associated with the upgrade profile, tick or untick the check boxes next to the tags on the lower part of the screen, then click on the Change button. Though you can see the access group associated with the upgrade profile, you cannot change the access groups anywhere but from their association with a computer.

To add an upgrade profile, click on the Add upgrade profile link.

On the resulting Create an upgrade profile screen you must enter a name for the upgrade profile. Names can contain only letters, numbers, and hyphens. You may check a box to make the upgrade profile apply only to security upgrades; if you leave it unchecked, it will target all upgrades. Specify the access group to which the upgrade profile belongs from a drop-down list. Finally, specify the schedule on which the upgrade profile can run. You can specify a number of hours to let the upgrade profile run; if it does not complete successfully in that time, Landscape will trigger an alert. Click on the Save button to save the new upgrade profile.

To delete one or more upgrade profiles, tick a check box next to the upgrade profiles' names, then click on the Remove button.

A removal profile defines a maximum number of days that a computer can go without exchanging data with the Landscape server before it is automatically removed. If more days pass than the profile's "Days without exchange", that computer will automatically be removed and the license seat it held will be released. This helps Landscape keep license seats open and ensure Landscape is not tracking stale or retired computer data for long periods of time. You can associate zero or more computers with each removal profile via tags to ensure those computers are governed by this removal profile. You can also associate a removal profile with an access group, which limits its use to only computers within the specified access group. You can manage removal profiles from the REMOVAL PROFILES link in the PROFILES choice under your account.

When you do so, Landscape displays a list of the names and descriptions of existing removal profiles.

To see the details of an existing profile, click on its name to display a screen that shows the title, name and number of days without exchange before the computer is automatically removed, and tags of computers associated with the removal profile. If you want to change the removal profile's title or number of days before removal, click on the Edit removal profile link. If you want to change the computers associated with the removal profile, tick or untick the check boxes next to the tags on the lower part of the screen, then click on the Change button. Though you can see the access group associated with the removal profile, you cannot change the access groups anywhere but from their association with a computer.

To add a removal profile, click on the Add removal profile link.

On the resulting Create a removal profile screen you must enter a title for the removal profile. Specify the access group to which the removal profile belongs from a drop-down list. Finally, specify the number of days without exchange that computers will be allowed without contact before they are automatically removed and their license seat is released. If a computer does not contact Landscape within that number of days, it will subsequently be removed. Click on the Save button to save the new removal profile.

To delete one or more removal profiles, tick a check box next to the removal profiles' names, then click on the Remove button.